East Side Dave Country

This is the home of “East Side” Dave McDonald and the place for all East Side Davidians!

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Davey Mac's Tales From The Satellite News & Updates!

Let’s get ready to shoot that shit to the sky, dogsie! Exciting news for fans of the new hit radio lookback series, Davey Mac’s Tales From The Satellite. We’ve got Episode X coming soon to Patreon.con/EastSideDave and it’s gonna be epic! Drunken debauchery and Beard Porn and more! YES! Subscribe to Dave’s Patreon to get the show over a month in advance of everyone else! And for the non-Patrons, Episode VIII, after being available on Patreon for a month-and-a-half, has now been released on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts! Enjoy! And thank you for the support! FACE!